Lifting 2D diffusion for 3D generation is a challenging problem due to the lack of geometric prior and the com- plex entanglement of materials and lighting in natural im- ages. Existing methods have shown promise by first creat- ing the geometry through score-distillation sampling (SDS) applied to rendered surface normals, followed by appear- ance modeling. However, relying on a 2D RGB diffusion model to optimize surface normals is suboptimal due to the distribution discrepancy between natural images and nor- mals maps, leading to instability in optimization. In this paper, recognizing that the normal and depth information effectively describe scene geometry and be automatically estimated from images, we propose to learn a generaliz- able Normal-Depth diffusion model for 3D generation. We achieve this by training on the large-scale LAION dataset together with the generalizable image-to-depth and normal prior models. In an attempt to alleviate the mixed illumi- nation effects in the generated materials, we introduce an albedo diffusion model to impose data-driven constraints on the albedo component. Our experiments show that when in- tegrated into existing text-to-3D pipelines, our models sig- nificantly enhance the detail richness, achieving state-of- the-art results.
We introduce a generalizable Normal-Depth diffusion model that is trained on the LAION-2B dataset with normal and depth predicted by Midas, followed by fine-tuning on the synthetic dataset. Our model can be incorporated with the DMTet and NeRF representations to enhance the geometry generation. To alleviate the ambiguity in appearance modeling, we propose an albedo diffusion model to impose data-drive prior on the albedo component.
Sampling results of our Normal-Depth diffusion model trained on the Laion-2B dataset
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title={RichDreamer: A Generalizable Normal-Depth Diffusion Model for Detail Richness in Text-to-3D},
author={Lingteng Qiu and Guanying Chen and Xiaodong Gu and Qi zuo and Mutian Xu and Yushuang Wu and Weihao Yuan and Zilong Dong and Liefeng Bo and Xiaoguang Han},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.16918}